OLLI Presentation: Behind the Scenes with David Bowden
Dr. David Bowden has directed the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra since 1997 and will be retiring at the end of the 2024-25 season after completing 28 years at the helm of the orchestra. In this special presentation for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Indiana State University, Maestro Bowden will debrief the THSO’s November 2 concert, Heroism & Hope, as he provides a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at what it is like to be the Artistic Director and Conductor of a professional orchestra. While conducting the orchestra is the most notable part of the duties of the conductor, music-lovers are often shocked to learn that 95% of a conductor’s time is spent on non-musical, administrative activities. For fans of the orchestra, this is a must-attend Wednesday Presentation as Maestro Bowden pulls back the curtain on the life of a symphony conductor.
This presentation is open to the public!